
  • Overview

    • Special system for EPP foams and honeycomb elements
    • Suitable for almost all EPP foam sizes
    • Ideally suited for tolerance independent assembly, because no pilot hole is necessary
    • Easy assembly after the foam expansion
    • High transmittable tensile forces
    • High torques
    • Weight savings due to used plastic material
    • Recyclable

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Friction welding joint in EPP foams

As all fastening elements of the EJOT® EPPsys product group the EPPsys RSD screw has also been developed to fasten components to foamed parts, especially EPP foams (expanded polypropylene). The EJOT® EPPsys RSD ("Reibschweißdom" = friction welding boss) is an effective fastening element for EPP foam and PP honeycomb elements. The innovative friction welding process directly embeds the fastener in the EPP foam and securely connects to the molten material. Subsequently the EPPsys RSD enables a reliable direct assembly with the EJOT DELTA PT® screw.